Mark Miller is the Vice President of Merritt Athletic Clubs and has over 20 years of experience at the Senior Management level. His expertise lies in Leadership and staff development, revenue generation through both sales and non dues revenue programming, strategic operations and systems development.
During the show we ask him 3 questions:
Phone: +61 2 9484 5501
Twitter: @JTActiveMgmt
Justin Tamsett is the Managing Director of Active Management. He has managed and owned fitness clubs since 1990 and now travels the globe speaking on topics from business skills to work-life balance. During this show, we check out gyms around the world, including The Row House and The Mile High Run Club in New York, 220 Fitness in Santa Monica and Orange Theory Fitness. We also explore the consumer trend called, Betterment, and get a deeper understanding of how to use devices and data to #grow your fitness business.
Also in the show, Sharon Tousley is back with her latest tip on starting your own podcast and, this month, shes giving us the inside tip on whats involved in a well planned launch.
Phone: +61 2 9484 5501
Twitter: @JTActiveMgmt
Darren Shaw is the owner and manager of CrossFit Ignite, a Sydney based CrossFit box. The business started in 2002 but has been using CrossFit principals since 2007. Darren is an experienced trainer and is known for taking no BS excuses. He also happens to be an excellent marketer and has an in depth knowledge of his target audience. He knows where to find them and how to speak to them.
Phone: +61 2 9484 5501
Twitter: @JTActiveMgmt
Mish McCormack is an internationally acclaimed and award-winning Personal and Corporate Fitness Trainer. She has been the recipient of the Fitness Life NZ Personal Trainer of the Year three times (an unbeaten record), the Powerade NZ Personal Trainer of the Year, and the NZ Contribution to Community Excellence Award. With a Certificate of Fitness Management from the University of Otago, and 16 years experience as Personal Trainer, Mish is REPs registered and sits on the board of the PT Council of New Zealand.
We ask Mish three questions: